


FastLED or NeoPixelBus

You may create your own firmaware using ESPHome and FastLED or NeoPixelBus library or download ready to use firmware.

For more information about FastLED library:

Download ready to use firmware

Download firmware yawl-controller-fastled.bin or yawl-controller-neopixelbus.bin from this repository for 3-wire LED strip (NeoPixels, one data wire). If you want to use 4-wire LED strip (DotStars, two wire, one data and one clock) please read below.

Build the firmware itself

3-Wire LED Strip

NeoPixels, one data wire:

Download YAML configuration file yawl-controller-neopixelbus.yaml or yawl-controller-fastled.yaml from this repository and compile using ESPHome.

4-Wire LED Strip

DotStars, two wire, one data and one clock


Please change light options in yawl-controller-fastled.yaml

  - platform: fastled_spi
    id: light_1
    rgb_order: GRB
    chipset: APA102
    data_pin: GPIO2
    clock_pin: GPIO1


Unfortunately NeoPixelBus does not support GPIO2 and GPIO1 for 4-wire LED strip. On ESP8266 NeoPixelBus supports only GPIO13 for data_pin and only GPIO14 for clock_pin.

Please read Getting Started with ESPHome and Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant

Build the firmware from command line

If you want to flash firmware from command line you may skip this section and go to “Flash using command line

1) Edit file env.cmd from yawl-controller/firmware/ESPHome/ directory.

Connect controller to computer

YAWL Controller USB to Serial Adapter
3.3v 3.3v
Ground Ground
IO0 Ground


Flash firmware

Flash using ESPHome Flasher


The controller will be flashed now, you can follow the progress in the console window. When finished writing the firmware, switch off controller.

Flash using command line

1) Edit file env.cmd from yawl-controller/firmware/ESPHome/ directory.

Once done, you can then go ahead and run the following command flash_fastled.cmd or flash_neopixelbus.cmd which will instruct ESPHome to flash YAWL controller firmware. This will take a minute or two to complete, at which point you will then be asked how you want to upload. Select the option for serial and it should begin to upload.


Assuming everything was successful, you can now disconnect everything from the USB adaptor.

Connect controller to Wi-Fi network

When you are using ready-to-use firmware, at the first start, the controller will create its own network “yawl-controller-XXXXXX”.

When you are connecting to the fallback network, the web interface should open automatically (see also login to network notifications). If it doesn’t open, you may also navigate to manually in your browser.


In this web interface, you may manually override the WiFi settings.

Additionally, you may upload a new firmware file.

See also